With the Ask Bilene application, which will be your biggest assistant in the preparation stage for the TYT, AYT, TEOG, KPSS, DGS and ALES exams, you can easily ask questions that you cannot solve in-app or answer in-app questions.
You can take advantage of our application free of charge, either by taking pictures of the questions or in writing. Do you have any questions to ask? So, we invite you to use our application to help your brother, friend, neighbor who is preparing for the exam and to quickly answer the questions asked.
Another advantage of the application is that instead of preparing for the exam from a single or several sources, you can access the questions in various sources at once, and you improve yourself by solving the question asked by someone else. And you're solving the question from a different source.
New Coming Features:
* Added the feature of adding Youtube, Facebook, TikTok and other social media videos when you ask a question or add an answer.
* Badge & Point System has been introduced.
* The feature of asking questions as Multiple Choice and Survey has been introduced.
* Added new features to show rewarded ads for questions and posts.
* Added Question Collision feature.
* Creating Community among Members and Groups feature has been introduced.
* Added 2 different color options, Dark and Light Mode.
The ability to follow the course categories has been added. For example: If you only want to receive notifications about math questions, when you follow the math category, you will receive notifications for interactions in this category.
* Added the feature of adding questions for users who have logged in to the application only.
* Added a new option to show responses to questions and answers.
* Added merged Groups and Managed Groups feature in Profile tabs.
* Verified User Badge feature has been added.
* Added Article feature for users.
* Added new options to choose whether you want to show user picture and Username for article posts comments.
* Added new options to choose whether you want to show User picture and Username for answers to questions.